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Valid for Sitecore 6.0.0, 5.3.2
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Sitecore query functions make it possible to perform Boolean operations with Items in query expressions and apply extra conditions to the query.

Function: contains(s1:string, s2:string):bool

Description: Indicates whether s1 contains substring s2. The comparison is case sensitive.

Query Example:

query:/sitecore/content/Home/Products/*[contains(@Text, 'Bargain')]

Returns child Items of the Products Item which contain 'Bargain' fragment in the Text field.

Function: startswith(s1:string,s2:string):bool

Description: Indicates whether s1 starts with substring s2. The comparison is case sensitive.

Query Example:

query:/sitecore/content/home//*[startswith(@@name, 'S')]

Returns child Items of the Home Item whose name starts with S.

Function: endswith(s1:string,s2:string):bool

Description: Indicates whether s1 ends with substring s2. The comparison is case sensitive.

Query Example:

query:/sitecore/content/home//*[endswith(@@name, 's')]

Returns child Items of the Home Item whose name ends with s.

Function: last():int

Description: Returns the index of the last Item in the list of children.

Query Example:


Returns the index of the last child Item under the Products Item.


Function: not(condition:bool):bool

Description: Returns the parameter’s opposite value.

Query Example:

query:/sitecore/content/Home/Products/*[not(contains(@Text, 'Bargain'))]

Returns child Items of the Products Item whose text field doesn’t contain the string Bargain.

Function: position():int

Description: Returns the position of the context Item.


Query Example:

query:/sitecore/content/Home/Products/*[position() >= 2]

Returns child Items of the Products Item whose index is more than or equal to 2.

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